03 Jul Ferric Citrate Tablets
The patients who suffer from kidney disease are given ferric citrate tablets. There are people who are on dialysis who are given these tablets so that their levels of blood phosphate can be reduced. Dialysis is a treatment which is given to the patients suffering from disease of kidney. Any problem related to kidney can have an impact on the functioning of our body. In order to prevent the normal functioning of the body, dialysis is done when kidney stops performing its function.
Blood is cleaned and extra water is removed in the process of dialysis. There are two kinds of dialysis treatment – hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. People who suffer from chronic disease undergo the dialysis treatment. Through dialysis, some amount of phosphate is removed from the body. However, some amount is not enough to maintain the balance of phosphate levels. So the tablets are taken. Also, people who have low blood levels of iron and are not an dialysis are given these by the doctors.
Ferric citrate tablets for kidney disease patients
It is through the intake of ferric citrate tablets that blood phosphate levels are reduced. When people take these tablets, the result is quite positive. These helps in providing strength to the bones and reduces the risk of heart disease and strokes which might occur as a result of phosphate levels that are high. Also, unsafe minerals are not formed and built up by taking these tablets. Also, these tablets get bind with the food people consume and comes out of the body in the form of stool.
The tablets are taken thrice a day with food on the prescription of the doctor.
MediArt Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. is a healthcare company which provides all kinds of drugs, tablets, medicines, etc for the patients. It understands the needs of people and meet their demands. Known for their best quality and service, they keep in mind the condition of the patient and remain committed and dedicated to their job. Ferric citrate capsules can be obtained from this company which caes and think about the patients a great deal.
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