Many studies worldwide have documented the benefits of Xylitol lozenges to patients suffering due to dry mouth. Dry mouth problems if not treated can even lead to serious complications of infections in mouth, tooth decay and even death.
MoistO is mouth dissolving tablet that contains XYLITOL & SORBITOL for patients of XEROSTOMIA (Dry mouth)
Most dialysis patients need to limit their fluid intake to be as healthy as possible. Too much fluid can raise blood pressure, damage the heart, cause swelling, and make dialysis very uncomfortable. It is very important to get a handle on thirst control as early as possible.Each patient has a different allowance for daily fluid depending on physical activity level, body size and urine output. Most people on Hemodialysis are limited to approximately 32 fluid ounces per day, compared to a fluid intake of 100 ounces daily for someone with healthy kidneys.
Dose: 1 TAB – 2- 3 times a day. Allow the tablet to slowly dissolve in the mouth for a long lasting effect. Not to be chewed.