04 Jan What benefits omega-3 fatty acids contain for children, adults & seniors?
A great source of power for our immune system omega 3 fatty acids are good for our health. It is found in food ingredients and also used for treatment in the form of medicine such as omega 3 fatty acids capsules. Including omega 3 in your daily diet can equip you with eternal physical energy.
Here are some amazing benefits of omega 3 fatty acids –
For infants
Cognitive development – In infants omega 3 acid helps in improving the hand-eye coordination, social skills, attention span & intelligence.
Asthma Risk – Children of women who include omega-3 in their diet during pregnancy have less risk of asthma disease.
Better growth in premature infants – Physical & mental growth problems is a big issue in premature infants but omega-3 helps to cope with these ailments. A Mother who breastfeeds her child should take omega 3 fatty acid in some form as it goes in their child’s body through her milk.
Premature labour – Pregnant ladies who take omega -3 fatty acids have less risk of facing premature labour situation than those women eat standard eggs.
What has it for children & teens?
Cures ADHD – ADHD which stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a common disorder in children. Its symptoms include inattentiveness, hyperactivity & impulsivity. This disease causes due to deficiency of omega-3. Taking supplements can help gain fast improvements. Fish oil is the best option for this.
Depression – It’s a big problem in teenagers. But taking omega-3 on a regular basis can help fight this notoriously ubiquitous disease.
Diabetes – Children with the risk of developing type 2diabetes should consume a high omega-3 three diet. The researchers found that those teenage children who took a good amount of omega 3 in their diet were less likely to develop this disease.
Omega 3 for adults
Usually, adults are considered more healthy than the fragile and less resistant children and teenage children but at the same time, this is the stage when you should start thinking about your health in coming years.
Cardiovascular health – Having Omega 3 twice in a week lower the rate of heart disease.
Cancer – Yes, this amazing thing can help you prevent from even the most fatal diseases like cancer. Studies have found that consuming omega three reduces the risk of certain types of cancers.
Omega 3 benefits for middle-aged adults & older adults
Heart diseases – A friend of your heart, omega-3 prevent you from heart diseases.
Rheumatoid arthritis – Although, there is still left to do the further study but there is evidence that omega-3 reduces rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, such as pain & morning stiffness.
See, it’s not about age & diseases only. In fact, the simplest thing is omega-3 is unconditionally good for health and one should always include this health enriching thing in their daily diet.
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